LACS series
LAPS-R series
The LAPS-R series is a scalable power supply solution for DC and pulse applications. It comes with a 3-phase universal mains input. The LAPS-R series can be put in parallel or series operation. It is specially designed to handle any pulsed loads.
Specially designed for fiber laser and diode bar laser system applications.
They are equipped with a double safety interlock PLe according to
ISO 13849-1.
power supply solutions, coils & linear drivesWe are specialized in switched-mode power supply solutions and special coils & linear drives, operating worldwide. We develop, manufacture and market these power conversion solutions ranging from power supply units to highly complex power systems for top-level producers of professional machinery and equipment.
Customer-specific coils & power supply units for high-end analytical applications.
High-power platform
Our high-power platform is a compact and cost-effective power supply platform. Especially for the dynamic behaviour of power systems.
LACS series
LAPS-R series
Since more than 20 years we have been helping customers achieve their mission-critical objectives by designing and manufacturing power supplies, coils & linear drive solutions suited for laser, analytical and semiconductor applications.
Power supply solutions, coils & linear drives
for laser, analytical and semiconductor applications
High-power platform solutions
We develop and produce highly specialised, tailor-made power supply solutions for the operation of sensitive, high-power equipment such as electron microscopes, high-tech video and audio systems and laser equipment. Our customised power supply and power management systems ensure that the equipment is always reliably supplied with precise power.
Special coils & linear drives
We develop and produce reliable coils & linear drives with the highest standards of quality. The products are used for electron microscope lenses or deflection coils, for example.